Queens Boro President Donovan Richards, council woman Adrian Adams, representatives from State Senator James Sanders office , Assemblyman Khalel Anderson’s office and New York communities for change leaders came together to support Do & Co workers demanding justice. Workers being recalled after a 7 month recall are losing all seniority rights . Elected officials said they will sign a support letter and will look to introduce legislation to protect workers. Ship steward Pedro Garcia said The 43 worked who worked hard for years for the company don’t deserve to lose their vacation time and other seniority benefits.
Elected officials signed letters in support of Do & Co and Senator Sanders introduced legislation to protect workers.
In Press interviews, Shop steward Pedro Garcia said the 43 workers who worked hard for years for the company don’t deserve to lose their vacation time and other seniority benefits.
Click here for President Carotenuto’s statement
Chief of staff for Assemblyman Khalel Anderson speaking with members and Going on to lead workers in chanting Si Se Puede! Shop stewards Pedro Garcia and Jose Vassallo with workers and NYCC community members Council woman Adrianne Adams and chief of staff for Senator Sanders Queens boro President Donovan Richards and DO & CO members